Tax Lifeline Workshop

April 9th, 2024 11am EDT


Sometimes LIFE HAPPENS and

getting the numbers together for taxes seems like an insurmountable task

It feels SUPER overwhelming because

  • You don't have the time
  • You can't figure out where to start (or you've tried but left frustrated)
  • Or you just need someone to show you

The solution starts here

We are going to dive in together, and I am going to show you step by step how to pull together your numbers in a pinch with enough accuracy that the IRS won't blink an eye

to help immediately alleviate the stress

and get you moving in the right direction.

During this workshop


Session 1

Whoops now what?! [Training]

The focus of the first half will be specifically geared toward those of you who are feeling frazzled about getting your 2023 taxes together.

I’ll approach it from the angle of what to do if your books are a mess (or just plan nonexistent!)

I’ll go through WITH EXAMPLES exactly how to put together your numbers for the tax return in the most accurate way with limited information.

 Q&A and Prizes

Of course we have to leave time to address your questions! And of course we'll be giving away some free stuff!

Special Guests

I've been fortunate to get to know so many amazing people in this community, and today we get to hear from the Lindsay & Ryan from @rnzynow! We'll hear their inspirational story and of course touch on the numbers!

Session 2

Doing better going forward 


The second half the workshop will focus on the future.

After piecing together the prior year numbers in a way you feel good about, the key is to do better with new and improved habits!

We’ll talk about how to go forward on better footing so you can avoid stressful situations.

Going forward you won't be scrambling to throw the numbers together for taxes but rather you'll have a better system of being able to rely on your numbers to grow your business.

Final Q&A and BONUS

To wrap it all up well do some questions and make sure you know exactly where you are headed in order to be successful in 2024.

Want to ditch the tax anxiety for 2024?

I talk one-on-one with hundreds of resellers every year. I'm not exaggerating when I say resellers are losing sleep because of tax related stress. It doesn't have to be that way!

Register below to join my Reseller Rescue workshop, and embrace the peace of mind that comes with taking control of your tax situation.


With Special Guests

Ryan & Lindsay @rnzynow

Reseller Rescue is not a course... 

But it's not supposed to be

While you'll have replays of each training until the end of April, the content does expire. The end date exists in order to keep you accountable to getting the work done (which might end up being your favorite part).

What people said about my last workshop:

This experience includes

Live professional and community trainings (with limited time replays).

A step-by-step training workbook so you don't have to wonder what comes next.

A private community with think-tank-style feedback, resource sharing, and inspiration.

Special Guests from the reselling community who have inspired hundreds of thousands but who are also no stranger to tax challenges.

Lots of Q&A! I want to make sure you leave with your questions answered about the direction you need to be going to ditch the stress and stop leaving money on the table. 

Deductible Not only is $19 a steal but it's also deductible as a business expenses.

A Note From Mark...

Hi I'm Mark Tew. I'm a CPA who has been selling online and serving the reselling community since 2015. 

Having prepared thousands of reseller tax returns, I am familiar with the issues and pain points that affect those of you who sell on eBay, Amazon, Poshmark, Mercari, Whatnot, and the list goes on!

My goal is to have your numbers work FOR you and not against you. There are many simple actions you can take that are within your reach that will give you access to insights about your business, optimize your taxes, and ultimately save a bunch of money.

Join me and hundreds of others for this Reseller Rescue for only $19 I am hosting as we take control of this tax season.

No more procrastinating. THIS is the year!